| SubstrateLineGraphDataRequest (String sChartName, DetailedOutputFileManager oManager) throws ModelException |
| Constructor. More...
void | addGridFloatData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) |
| This accepts float data. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridFloats () |
| This wants floats. More...
void | addGridFloatDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) |
| Accepts a grid float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void | outputFileParseFinished (boolean bBatchMode) |
| Finalizes the values once the parse of the detailed output file is complete. More...
| DataRequest (String sChartName, DetailedOutputFileManager oManager) |
| Constructor. More...
void | setCurrentTimestep (int iTimestep) |
| Sets the current time step. More...
void | actionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent oEvent) |
| If passed the order to write chart data, does it. More...
void | extractBatchSetupInfo (ChartInfo oInfo) throws ModelException |
| Extracts information needed by the data request from the controls panel displayed to the user. More...
boolean | isFileWritingExternallyManaged () |
| Gets whether or not file writing is externally managed for this data request or whether it takes care of everything itself. More...
void | getReadyForTimestepParse (int iTimestep, boolean bBatchMode) throws ModelException |
| This will be called for all open data requests just before time step parsing begins. More...
void | timestepParseFinished (boolean bBatchMode) throws ModelException |
| This will be called for all open data requests after time step parsing is completed. More...
void | outputFileParseFinished (boolean bBatchMode) |
| This will be called for all open data requests after output file parsing is completed. More...
void | saveChartDataToFile (boolean bJustCurrTS) |
| Writes a chart's data to a file. More...
String | getChartName () |
| Get the name of the chart. More...
JInternalFrame | getChart () |
| Get the chart frame. More...
boolean | wantAnyTreeFloats () |
| Whether or not this object wants any tree float data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyTreeInts () |
| Whether or not this object wants any tree int data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyTreeChars () |
| Whether or not this object wants any tree char data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyTreeBools () |
| Whether or not this object wants any tree bool data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyDeadTreeFloats () |
| Whether or not this object wants any dead tree float data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyDeadTreeInts () |
| Whether or not this object wants any dead tree int data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyDeadTreeChars () |
| Whether or not this object wants any dead tree char data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyDeadTreeBools () |
| Whether or not this object wants any dead tree bool data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridFloats () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid float data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridInts () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid int data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridChars () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid char data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridBools () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid bool data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridPackageFloats () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid package float data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridPackageInts () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid package int data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridPackageChars () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid package char data members. More...
boolean | wantAnyGridPackageBools () |
| Whether or not this object wants any grid package bool data members. More...
void | addTreeFloatData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of tree float data from the parser. More...
void | addTreeIntData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of tree int data from the parser. More...
void | addTreeCharData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of tree char data from the parser. More...
void | addTreeBoolData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of tree bool data from the parser. More...
void | addDeadTreeFloatData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of dead tree float data from the parser. More...
void | addDeadTreeIntData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of dead tree int data from the parser. More...
void | addDeadTreeCharData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of dead tree char data from the parser. More...
void | addDeadTreeBoolData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of dead tree bool data from the parser. More...
void | addGridFloatData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid float data from the parser. More...
void | addGridIntData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid int data from the parser. More...
void | addGridCharData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid char data from the parser. More...
void | addGridBoolData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid bool data from the parser. More...
void | addGridPackageFloatData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid package float data from the parser. More...
void | addGridPackageIntData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid package int data from the parser. More...
void | addGridPackageCharData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid package char data from the parser. More...
void | addGridPackageBoolData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a piece of grid package bool data from the parser. More...
void | endPackage () throws SAXException |
| Announces a package has ended. More...
void | endTree (boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException |
| Announces a tree record has ended. More...
void | addTreeFloatDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a tree float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void | addTreeIntDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a tree int data member code for future reference when passed int data members. More...
void | addTreeCharDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a tree char data member code for future reference when passed char data members. More...
void | addTreeBoolDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a tree bool data member code for future reference when passed bool data members. More...
void | addGridFloatDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void | addGridIntDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid int data member code for future reference when passed int data members. More...
void | addGridCharDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid char data member code for future reference when passed char data members. More...
void | addGridBoolDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid bool data member code for future reference when passed bool data members. More...
void | addGridPackageFloatDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid package float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void | addGridPackageIntDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid package int data member code for future reference when passed int data members. More...
void | addGridPackageCharDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid package char data member code for future reference when passed char data members. More...
void | addGridPackageBoolDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException |
| Accepts a grid package bool data member code for future reference when passed bool data members. More...