SORTIE Java Interface  1


class  CompetitionHarvest
 Corresponds to the clCompetitionHarvest class. More...
class  CutPriority
 Captures the information for a cut priority definition.
class  CutRange
 This class defines a cut range for a harvest event.
class  DensDepInfestation
 Corresponds to the clDensDepInfestation class. More...
class  EpisodicMortality
 Corresponds to the clDisturbance class. More...
class  GeneralizedHarvestRegime
 Corresponds to the clGeneralizedHarvestRegime class. More...
class  Harvest
 Corresponds to the clDisturbance class. More...
class  HarvestData
 This class encapsulates the data for a single harvest event - being for one timestep, for one cut type. More...
class  HarvestInterface
 Corresponds to the clHarvestInterface class. More...
class  InsectInfestation
 Corresponds to the clInsectInfestation class. More...
class  RandomBrowse
 Corresponds to the clRandomBrowse class. More...
class  SelectionHarvest
 Corresponds to the clSelectionHarvest class. More...
class  Storm
 Corresponds to the clStorm class. More...
class  StormDamageApplier
 Corresponds to the clStormDamageApplier class. More...
class  StormDamageKiller
 Corresponds to the clStormKiller class. More...
class  StormDirectKiller
 Corresponds to the clStormDirectKiller class. More...
class  Windstorm
 Corresponds to the clWindstorm class. More...