SORTIE Java Interface  1
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | Protected Attributes | List of all members Class Reference

Holds clTreePopulation data. More...

Inheritance diagram for

Public Member Functions

 TreeBehavior (GUIManager oManager, TreePopulation oPop, String sDescriptor, String sParFileTag, String sXMLRootString)
 Constructor. More...
void setInitialDensities (int iSizeClass, Float[] p_fVals) throws ModelException
 Sets the initial densities for a given species. More...
float getNewSeedlingDiam10 ()
 Gets the new seedling diameter at 10 cm value, in cm. More...
void writeXML (BufferedWriter out, TreePopulation oPop) throws ModelException
 Writes the settings to XML for the parameter file for the tree population. More...
boolean setSingleValueByXMLTag (String sXMLTag, String sXMLParentTag, Attributes oAttributes, Object oData) throws ModelException
 This method is looking for tm_floatCode, tm_intCode, tm_charCode, tm_boolCode, fl, int, ch, and bl. More...
void validateData (TreePopulation oPop) throws ModelException
 This makes sure all data is valid and can be used to run the model. More...
boolean setVectorValueByXMLTag (String sXMLTag, String sXMLParentTag, ArrayList< String > p_oData, String[] p_sChildXMLTags, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo, Attributes oParentAttributes, Attributes[] p_oAttributes) throws ModelException
 Override this function in order to be able to handle initial densities and species names. More...
void readXMLParentTag (String sXMLTag, Attributes oAttributes) throws ModelException
 Accepts an XML parent tag (empty, no data) from the parser. More...
void setInitialSeedlingSize (float fVal) throws ModelException
 Sets the value of the diameter at 10 cm for new seedlings. More...
void setSizeClasses (Float[] p_fVals) throws ModelException
 Sets the size classes. More...
void setMinimumAdultDbh (Float[] p_fVals) throws ModelException
 Sets the minimum adult dbhs. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from
GUIManager getGUIManager ()
 Behavior (GUIManager oManager, BehaviorTypeBase oParent, String sDescriptor, String sParFileTag, String sXMLRootString, String sHelpFileString)
 Constructor. More...
abstract void validateData (TreePopulation oPop) throws ModelException
 Override this to implement data checking. More...
void callSetupDialog (JDialog jParent, MainWindow oMain)
 Override this to call a specific setup dialog for this behavior. More...
int getNumberOfDataObjects ()
 Gets the number of managed data objects. More...
ModelData getDataObject (int iInd)
 Gets the managed data object at a particular index. More...
void validate () throws ModelException
 Behavior performs an internal check to make sure its settings are consistent and logical. More...
void setListPosition (int iListPosition) throws ModelException
 Sets the behavior list position. More...
int getListPosition ()
 Gets the behavior list position. More...
String getXMLParametersRoot ()
 Gets the XML parameter root string. More...
int getNumberNewDataMembers ()
DataMember getNewTreeDataMember (int iIndex) throws ModelException
void setCanApplyTo (int iType, boolean bCanApply)
 Sets whether this behavior can apply to a given tree type. More...
String getParameterFileBehaviorName ()
 Gets the parameter file name for this behavior. More...
double getVersion ()
 Gets behavior's parameter file version. More...
double getMinimumVersion ()
 Gets behavior's parameter file minimum version. More...
String getDescriptor ()
 Gets the descriptor string. More...
String getHelpFileString ()
 Gets the help file UD. More...
void setDescriptor (String s)
 Sets the descriptor string. More...
int getNumberOfCombos ()
 Gets the number of species/type combos to which this behavior applies. More...
int getNumberOfGrids ()
 Gets the number of grids to which this behavior applies. More...
void deleteSpeciesTypeCombo (int iIndex) throws ModelException
 Deletes the SpeciesTypeCombo at the given index. More...
void deleteSpeciesTypeCombo (SpeciesTypeCombo oCombo) throws ModelException
 Deletes a SpeciesTypeCombo. More...
void clearSpeciesTypeCombos ()
 Empties the species/type combo list. More...
SpeciesTypeCombo getSpeciesTypeCombo (int iIndex) throws ModelException
 Returns the SpeciesTypeCombo at the given index of the species/type combo list. More...
Grid getGrid (int iIndex) throws ModelException
 Returns the Grid at the given index of the grid applies to list. More...
ModelData getRequiredData (int iIndex)
 Returns the required data object at a given index. More...
int getNumberOfRequiredDataObjects ()
 Gets the number of required data objects for this behavior. More...
void addSpeciesTypeCombo (SpeciesTypeCombo oCombo) throws ModelException
 Adds a new species/type combo to the list to which this behavior applies. More...
void addGrid (Grid oGrid, boolean bReplace)
 Adds a new Grid to the list to which this behavior applies. More...
void addRequiredData (ModelData oData)
 Adds a piece of required data to the list. More...
boolean [] getWhichSpeciesUsed (TreePopulation oPop)
 Returns which species to which this behavior is applied. More...
boolean setVectorValueByXMLTag (String sXMLTag, String sXMLParentTag, ArrayList< String > p_oData, String[] p_sChildXMLTags, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo, Attributes oParentAttributes, Attributes[] p_oAttributes) throws ModelException
 Sets a data vector's value. More...
boolean setSingleValueByXMLTag (String sXMLTag, String sXMLParentTag, Attributes oAttributes, Object oData) throws ModelException
 Sets a data object's value. More...
ModelData findObjectByXMLTag (String sXMLTag)
 Finds an object based on its XML tag. More...
void copySpecies (int iSpeciesCopyFrom, int iSpeciesCopyTo) throws ModelException
 Copies one species to another. More...
void writeXML (BufferedWriter jOut, TreePopulation oPop) throws ModelException
 Writes the XML data to a parameter file for the behaviors owned by this object. More...
void writeSpeciesSpecificValue (BufferedWriter jOut, ModelVector p_oData, TreePopulation oPop) throws, ModelException
 Writes a set of species-specific float values to a parameter file. More...
void writeSpeciesSpecificValue (BufferedWriter jOut, ModelVector p_oData, TreePopulation oPop, boolean[] p_bFlags) throws, ModelException
 Writes a set of species-specific values to a parameter file for a certain subset of species. More...
void readXMLParentTag (String sXMLTag, Attributes oAttributes) throws ModelException
 Accepts an XML parent tag (empty, no data) from the parser. More...
void changeOfSpeciesName (String sOldSpecies, String sNewSpecies)
 Performs any necessary tasks associated with changing the name of a species. More...
void changeOfSpecies (int iOldNumSpecies, int[] p_iIndexer, String[] p_sNewSpecies) throws ModelException
 Triggered when there is a change in the species list. More...
boolean getMustHaveTrees ()
 Gets whether this behavior must have trees. More...
ModelData findObjectByDescriptor (String sDescriptor)
 Finds an object based on its descriptor. More...
void writeBehaviorNode (BufferedWriter out, TreePopulation oPop) throws ModelException
 Writes behavior tags to the parameter file. More...
ArrayList< BehaviorParameterDisplayformatDataForDisplay (TreePopulation oPop)
 Formats data for display in a set of JTables. More...
String getAppliedToForDisplay (TreePopulation oPop)
 Get which species/types this behavior applies to, in a display-friendly format truncated to 250 chars. More...
void readDataFromDisplay (ArrayList< BehaviorParameterDisplay > oData, TreePopulation oPop) throws ModelException
 Reads in data from the parameter display window. More...
boolean canBeDuplicated ()
 Whether or not this behavior can be duplicated in the run. More...
void endOfParameterFileRead ()
 Called at the end of the parameter file read process. More...
void changeOfPlotResolution (float fOldX, float fOldY, float fNewX, float fNewY) throws ModelException
 Performs any tasks associated with a change of plot resolution. More...
setupType getSetupType ()
void writeParametersToTextFile (FileWriter jOut, TreePopulation oPop) throws IOException
 Writes the parameters for the behavior to file, using the same system as the basic parameter display and entry system. More...

Public Attributes

ModelString m_sTextTreeMap
 Filename for text tree map, if present. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from
boolean m_bMustHaveTrees = true
 If true, and a tree has no species/type combos, it automatically becomes disabled. More...

Protected Attributes

ModelVector mp_fMinAdultDbh
 Species-specific - the minimum adult dbh value. More...
ModelVector mp_fSizeClasses
 Size class list - the values in this are floats which represent the upper dbh limit of a class. More...
ModelVector mp_fInitialDensities
 Species-specific - contains the initial density for each class. More...
ModelVector mp_fMaxSeedlingHeight
 Species-specific - the maximum seedling height value. More...
ModelVector mp_fSeedlingClass1Density
 Species-specific - initial densities for seedling height class 1. More...
ModelVector mp_fSeedlingClass2Density
 Species-specific - initial densities for seedling height class 2. More...
ModelVector mp_fSeedlingClass3Density
 Species-specific - initial densities for seedling height class 3. More...
ModelFloat m_fInitialSeedlingSize
ModelFloat m_fSeedlingHeightClass1
 <Initial seedling diam10. More...
ModelFloat m_fSeedlingHeightClass2
 Upper limit of seedling 2 initial densities height class, in cm. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from
GUIManager m_oManager
 GUIManager object. More...
BehaviorTypeBase m_oParent
 Parent manager. More...
ArrayList< ModelDatamp_oAllData = new ArrayList<ModelData>()
 All data for this object. More...
ArrayList< SpeciesTypeCombomp_oTreesAppliesTo = new ArrayList<SpeciesTypeCombo>(0)
 A set of SpeciesTypeCombo objects to which this behavior is applied - or none if it is not applied to trees. More...
ArrayList< Integer > mp_iGridsAppliesTo = new ArrayList<Integer>(0)
 A set of hashcodes of the Grids to which this behavior is applied - or none if it is not applied to grids. More...
ArrayList< DataMembermp_oNewTreeDataMembers = new ArrayList<DataMember>(0)
 The new tree data members that this behavior adds, above and beyond the basic tree population data members. More...
boolean m_bCanBeDuplicated = true
 Whether or not this behavior can have multiple copies in a run or not. More...
String m_sDescriptor = ""
 This is what will be displayed as the name of a given behavior in the GUI. More...
String m_sParFileTag = ""
 String which is used to identify this behavior in the parameter file. More...
String m_sXMLRootString = ""
 XML tag to surround this behavior's data. More...
String m_sHelpFileString = ""
 Help file topic identifier string. More...
boolean [] mp_bCanApplyToTreeType
 For each tree type, whether or not this behavior can be applied to it. More...
double m_fVersion = 1.0
 Version of this behavior. More...
double m_fMinVersion = 1.0
 Minimum version of this behavior. More...
int m_iListPosition = -1
 This behavior's position in the behavior list. More...
setupType m_iBehaviorSetupType

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, Float[] p_fValuesToSet, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, Float[] p_fValuesToSet)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, Double[] p_fValuesToSet, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, Double[] p_fValuesToSet)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, Integer[] p_iValuesToSet, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, String[] p_sValuesToSet)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, String[] p_sValuesToSet, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector oData, Integer[] p_iValuesToSet)
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void setVectorValues (ModelVector p_oData, ArrayList< String > p_oValuesToSet, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo) throws ModelException
 Sets the values for vector variables. More...
static void writeDataToFile (BufferedWriter ojOut, ModelData oData) throws IOException
 Writes a piece of data to an XML file. More...
static Object [] formatBlankHeaderRow (Object[][] p_oTable)
 Creates a blank header row for a table. More...
static Object [][] formatDataAsComboBox (Object[][] p_oExisting, ModelEnum oToFormat)
 Adds a value with combo box formatting to an Object array for display in a JTable. More...
static String formatComboBoxString (ModelEnum oToFormat)
 Formats a combo box string from a ModelEnum. More...
static void addDataObjectToDisplayArrays (ModelData p_oDataObject, ArrayList< ModelData > p_oSingles, ArrayList< ArrayList< SpeciesSpecific >> p_oSpeciesSpecific, boolean[] p_bAppliesTo)
 Adds a data object to the arrays which will eventually display run parameters in a set of tables. More...
static Object [][] addDataToArray (Object[][] p_oExistingArray, Object[] p_oAddArray)
 Adds an Object array to an existing Object array. More...
static Object [][] formatDataForTable (Object[][] p_oExisting, ModelFloat oToFormat)
 Formats and adds a value into an Object array suitable for placing in a JTable. More...
static Object [][] formatDataForTable (Object[][] p_oExisting, ModelInt oToFormat)
 Formats and adds a value into an Object array suitable for placing in a JTable. More...
static Object [][] formatDataForTable (Object[][] p_oExisting, ModelString oToFormat)
 Formats and adds a value into an Object array suitable for placing in a JTable. More...
static Object [][] formatDataForTable (Object[][] p_oExisting, ModelVector oToFormat)
 Formats a vector of values into an object array and adds it to another Object array suitable for placing in a JTable. More...
static Object [][] formatDataForTable (Object[][] p_oExisting, ModelVector oToFormat, boolean[] p_bWhichSpecies)
 Formats a vector of values into a plain vector suitable for placing in a JTable and adds it to a vector of vectors at the end. More...
static Object [] formatSpeciesHeaderRow (boolean[] p_bUsed, TreePopulation oPop)
 Creates an object array of strings consisting of species names, suitable for including in the parameter entry table. More...
static void ensureSize (ArrayList<?> list, int size)
 Ensure an ArrayList is at least a specific size. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from
void setSingleValue (ModelData oDataMember, Object oData) throws ModelException
 Sets the value of a single data member. More...
BehaviorParameterDisplay formatTable (ArrayList< ModelData > p_oSingles, ArrayList< ArrayList< SpeciesSpecific >> p_oSpeciesSpecific, TreePopulation oPop)
 Turns vector groups of data objects into a set of tables for display. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from
static boolean boolArraysEqual (boolean[] p_bArrayOne, boolean[] p_bArrayTwo)
 Tests two boolean arrays for equality. More...

Detailed Description

Holds clTreePopulation data.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TreeBehavior() ( GUIManager  oManager,
TreePopulation  oPop,
String  sDescriptor,
String  sParFileTag,
String  sXMLRootString 


oManagerGUIManager object
oPopParent managing object.
sDescriptorThe name of the behavior for the user.
sParFileTagString which is used to identify this behavior in the parameter file.
sXMLRootStringXML tag to surround this behavior's data.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getNewSeedlingDiam10()

float ( )

Gets the new seedling diameter at 10 cm value, in cm.

The new seedling diameter at 10 cm value, in cm.

◆ readXMLParentTag()

void ( String  sXMLTag,
Attributes  oAttributes 
) throws ModelException

Accepts an XML parent tag (empty, no data) from the parser.

This method watches for the following tags:

  • tm_treeSettings
  • tree
  • tm_speciesList
  • tm_species
  • grid
sXMLTagThe XML tag.
oAttributesThe attributes of this object.
ModelExceptionif there is a problem reading this data.

◆ setInitialDensities()

void ( int  iSizeClass,
Float []  p_fVals 
) throws ModelException

Sets the initial densities for a given species.

Any species number greater than zero is assumed to be valid.

iSizeClasssize class number
p_fValsset of initial densities for each species
ModelExceptionif the size class number is less than 0 or greater than the number of size classes defined.

◆ setInitialSeedlingSize()

void ( float  fVal) throws ModelException

Sets the value of the diameter at 10 cm for new seedlings.

fValDiameter at 10 cm, in cm.
ModelExceptionif value passed is less than or equal to 0.

◆ setMinimumAdultDbh()

void ( Float []  p_fVals) throws ModelException

Sets the minimum adult dbhs.

There must be one for each species.

p_fValsA Float array of values.
ModelExceptionif any value is less than 0.

◆ setSingleValueByXMLTag()

boolean ( String  sXMLTag,
String  sXMLParentTag,
Attributes  oAttributes,
Object  oData 
) throws ModelException

This method is looking for tm_floatCode, tm_intCode, tm_charCode, tm_boolCode, fl, int, ch, and bl.

For the last four, they are only set if m_iCurrentSpecies and m_iCurrentTreeType are greater than -1. Thus grid values with these tags will be ignored.

sXMLTagXML tag of data object whose value is to be set.
sXMLParentTagThe immediate parent tag that sXMLTag is within.
oAttributesAttributes of the object. Ignored, but may be needed by overriding objects.
oDataData value appropriate to the data type
true if the value was set successfully; false if the value could not be found. (This would not be an error, because I need a way to cycle through the objects until one of the objects comes up with a match.)
ModelExceptionif the value could not be assigned to the data object.

◆ setSizeClasses()

void ( Float []  p_fVals) throws ModelException

Sets the size classes.

The size class vector will be sized to match the array of Floats passed. The values in the array represent the upper dbh limits of each size class. A value of 0 is assumed to be for seedlings.

p_fValsA Float array of size class values.
ModelExceptionif any size class value is less than 0.

◆ setVectorValueByXMLTag()

boolean ( String  sXMLTag,
String  sXMLParentTag,
ArrayList< String >  p_oData,
String []  p_sChildXMLTags,
boolean []  p_bAppliesTo,
Attributes  oParentAttributes,
Attributes []  p_oAttributes 
) throws ModelException

Override this function in order to be able to handle initial densities and species names.

sXMLTagParent XML tag of data vector whose value is to be set.
sXMLParentTagThe immediate parent tag that sXMLTag is within.
p_oDataVector of data values appropriate to the data type
p_sChildXMLTagsThe XML tags of the child elements
p_bAppliesToArray of booleans saying which of the vector values should be set. This is important in the case of species-specifics - the vector index is the species number but not all species are set.
oParentAttributesAttributes of parent tag. May be useful when overridding this for unusual tags.
p_oAttributesAttributes passed from parser. This may be needed when overriding this function. Basic species-specific values are already handled by this function.
true if the value was set successfully; false if the value could not be found. (This would not be an error, because I need a way to cycle through the objects until one of the objects comes up with a match.) If a match to a data object is made via XML tag, but the found object is not a ModelVector, this returns false.
ModelExceptionif the value could not be assigned to the data object.

◆ validateData()

void ( TreePopulation  oPop) throws ModelException

This makes sure all data is valid and can be used to run the model.

ModelExceptionin any of the following cases:
  • Any of the species-specific vectors is not sized equal to the number of species.
  • The initial seedling size is not greater than zero.
  • There is any value less than or equal to zero in any of the following vectors:
    • mp_fInitialDensities
    • mp_fMaxCanopyHeight
    • mp_fMinAdultDbh
    • mp_fSizeClasses
  • The first seedling height class upper bound is greater than the second one.
  • Any of the seedling initial densities is less than 0.
oPopNot used.

◆ writeXML()

void ( BufferedWriter  out,
TreePopulation  oPop 
) throws ModelException

Writes the settings to XML for the parameter file for the tree population.

outOut stream for the file.
oPopTreePopulation object.
ModelExceptionIf something goes wrong with the writing.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_fInitialSeedlingSize

Initial value:
= new ModelFloat(
"New Seedling Diameter at 10 cm", "tr_seedDiam10Cm")

◆ m_fSeedlingHeightClass1

Initial value:
= new ModelFloat(0,
"Seedling Height Class 1 Upper Bound, in cm", "tr_seedlingHeightClass1")

<Initial seedling diam10.

Upper limit of seedling 1 initial densities height class, in cm

◆ m_fSeedlingHeightClass2

Initial value:
= new ModelFloat(0,
"Seedling Height Class 2 Upper Bound, in cm", "tr_seedlingHeightClass2")

Upper limit of seedling 2 initial densities height class, in cm.

◆ m_sTextTreeMap

Initial value:
= new ModelString("",
"Tree Map To Add As Text", "tr_treemapFile")

Filename for text tree map, if present.

◆ mp_fInitialDensities

Initial value:
= new ModelVector(
"Initial Densities", "", "", 0, ModelVector.FLOAT)

Species-specific - contains the initial density for each class.

Each vector bucket contains another vector with the values for each species for that size class. Ignore XML tags since this data can't use the automated XML read-write system.

◆ mp_fMaxSeedlingHeight

Initial value:
= new ModelVector(
"Max Seedling Height (meters)", "tr_maxSeedlingHeight", "tr_mshVal", 0,
ModelVector.FLOAT, true)

Species-specific - the maximum seedling height value.

◆ mp_fMinAdultDbh

Initial value:
= new ModelVector("Minimum Adult DBH",
"tr_minAdultDBH", "tr_madVal", 0, ModelVector.FLOAT, true)

Species-specific - the minimum adult dbh value.

◆ mp_fSeedlingClass1Density

Initial value:
= new ModelVector(
"Initial Density (#/ha) - Seedling Height Class 1",
"tr_seedlingHeight1Density", "tr_sh1dVal", 0, ModelVector.FLOAT, true)

Species-specific - initial densities for seedling height class 1.

◆ mp_fSeedlingClass2Density

Initial value:
= new ModelVector(
"Initial Density (#/ha) - Seedling Height Class 2",
"tr_seedlingHeight2Density", "tr_sh2dVal", 0, ModelVector.FLOAT, true)

Species-specific - initial densities for seedling height class 2.

◆ mp_fSeedlingClass3Density

Initial value:
= new ModelVector(
"Initial Density (#/ha) - Seedling Height Class 3",
"tr_seedlingHeight3Density", "tr_sh3dVal", 0, ModelVector.FLOAT, true)

Species-specific - initial densities for seedling height class 3.

◆ mp_fSizeClasses

Initial value:
= new ModelVector("Size classes", "", "",
0, ModelVector.FLOAT)

Size class list - the values in this are floats which represent the upper dbh limit of a class.

The lower limit of a class is the upper limit of the size class below it. A size class with an upper limit of 0 is for seedlings. Ignore XML tags since this data can't use the automated XML read-write system.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: