Software for spatially-explicit simulation of forest dynamics

Tree behavior edit window

This window is reached through the Edit simulation flow window. It edits the list of behaviors for a given tree combination of species and type (life history stage). The combination being edited is displayed in the top of the window. The current list of behaviors, in order, appears in the box labeled "Assigned behaviors".

Adding new behaviors

The left-hand side of the window is devoted to choosing new behaviors to apply to this tree type/species combination. Begin by choosing an overall behavior grouping using the drop-down list that shows "---Please select a behavior group" when the window is first opened. When you have chosen a group, a list of individual behaviors for that grouping shows in the box underneath. Select the one you wish to add, then click the button marked "> > " to add it to the list. It automatically inserts itself in the correct place in the behavior list, based on the order of the master behavior list. (Use the Current run behaviors window to edit the order of the behaviors in a run.) At this time, you must add new behaviors one at a time. It is possible to select multiple individual behaviors, but the "> > " button will apply to only the first one selected. If you have chosen a behavior that is already on the list, nothing happens.

Not all behaviors can be assigned to all species/type combinations. If you have made an invalid choice, you will see an error message when you click an "Apply to..." button, and you will be given the opportunity to change it. See the documentation for individual behaviors for information on how they can be applied.

Certain special behaviors cannot be added using this window. If you try to add them, you will see a message saying "---Use this behavior's own dialog". This means that it has options that can be set up through a window accessible from the main SORTIE menu.

Removing behaviors

To remove a behavior from the list assigned to this species/type combination, select it in the list labeled "Assigned behaviors" and click the button marked "Remove". This does not affect the behavior's assignment to any other trees.

Apply to (species) (type)

There is a button marked "Apply to (species) (type)" to apply your changes to the tree type/species combination (for instance, "Apply to Species 1 Saplings"). Behaviors you have added to the list are applied to that species/type combination. Behaviors you have removed have that species/type combination deleted from their list. If a tree-dependent behavior no longer applies to anything as a result of your choice, it is removed from the run. If you have made an invalid behavior assignment, you will receive an error message and be given the opportunity to correct your choices.

Apply to all (type)

There is a button marked "Apply to (type)" to apply your changes to all species of the specified tree type. All existing behavior applications for any species of the specified type are deleted and replaced with the behavior choices listed. If a tree-dependent behavior no longer applies to anything as a result of your choice, it is removed from the run. If you have made an invalid behavior assignment, you will receive an error message and be given the opportunity to correct your choices.