Software for spatially-explicit simulation of forest dynamics

Tree data member list

This is a list of the possible data that a tree can have. You can save this data in a detailed output file by using the Setup tree save options window.

Not all data is always available. Certain sets of behaviors require additional information about a tree. One of the ways in which behaviors communicate with one another is by defining new pieces of data for trees and then setting and reading values for those data. A piece of data created by a behavior is only attached to those tree species and tree types to which the behavior is applied.

Long nameShort code nameData typeDescriptionCreated by
XXFloatThe coordinate of the tree, in meters, on the X axis in the SORTIE plot.Tree population - always available
YYFloatThe coordinate of the tree, in meters, on the Y axis in the SORTIE plot.Tree population - always available
DBHDBHFloatThe diameter at breast height of a tree, in cm. This does not apply to seedlings.Tree population - always available
Diameter at 10 cmDiam10FloatThe tree's diameter at 10 cm height, in cm. This applies only to seedlings and saplings.Tree population - always available
HeightHeightFloatThe tree's height in meters.Tree population - always available
Crown RadiusCrown RadiusFloatThe tree's crown radius in meters. Note that this value is updated only on an as-needed basis. This means that the value may show up as -1, meaning that the tree's crown radius was not requested this time step. Also, this value will almost certainly reflect the tree's size at the beginning of the timestep, when crown dimension calculations are made, rather than the end of the timestep, as with the other tree dimensions. This does not apply to seedlings.Tree population - always available
Crown DepthCrown DepthFloatThe tree's crown depth in meters. The same warning applies as with crown radius. This does not apply to seedlings.Tree population - always available
AgeAgeIntegerThe time since death, in years. Only for snags.Tree population - always available
Why deadWhy deadIntegerReason code for why a tree died. Only for snags. Integer of one of the following: 1 = harvest, 2 = natural causes, 3 = disease, 4 = fire, 5 = insects, or 6 = stormTree population - always available
Light levelLightFloatLight level for the tree. This could be GLI, or percent shade (if Sail Light is used).Any of the light behaviors except the Beer's Law light filter
GrowthGrowthFloatAmount of radial growth per year in mm.Any of the growth behaviors that increment diameter growth
Light filter respite counterlf_countIntegerNumber of years of respite for a new seedling from the effects of the light filter.Beer's law light filter
Rooting heightzFloatThe height, in mm, above ground level at which a seedling is rooted.Beer's law light filter
Years releasedylrIntegerThe length of the current release period, in years.The absolute growth behaviors
Years suppressedylsIntegerThe length of the current suppression period, in years.The absolute growth behaviors
Dead flagdeadIntegerA flag for whether a tree has died and why. Integer of one of the following: 0 = not dead, 1 = harvest, 2 = natural causes, 3 = disease, 4 = fire, 5 = insects, or 6 = storm. This is used by the dead tree remover behavior to find the trees it should remove.Any of the mortality behaviors
Storm Damage Valuestm_dmgIntegerAn integer value with the damage level of a storm and how long it has been damaged. A value of 0 means no damage; a value starting with 1 means medium damage; a value starting with 2 means complete damage. The digits at the end count how many years since the damaging event. For example, a value of 1005 is a tree that received medium damage 5 years ago.Storm damage applier
Tree Bole VolumeBole VolFloatThe volume of a tree, in cubic feet.Tree bole volume calculator
Tree VolumeVolumeFloatVolume of the tree, in cubic meters.Tree volume calculator
Tree BiomassBiomassFloatBiomass of the tree, in metric tons (Mg).Dimension analysis
Tree AgeTree AgeIntegerAge of the tree, in years.Tree age
Snag Decay ClassSnagDecayClassIntegerSnag decay class.Snag Decay Class Dynamics
New Break HeightNewBreakHeightFloatSnag break height, if the break occurred this timestep. -1 if the snag is unbroken.Snag Decay Class Dynamics
Snag Old Break HeightSnagOldBreakHeightFloatSnag break height, if the break occurred in a previous timestep. -1 if the snag is unbroken.Snag Decay Class Dynamics
FallFallBooleanWhether a tree that has died this timestep has fallen (true), or remains standing as a snag (false).Snag Decay Class Dynamics
Pre-harvest growthPreHarvGrFloatGrowth prior to the last harvest.Lagged post harvest growth
Last stochasticautocorrFloatThe previous year's stochastic growth factor.Michaelis Menton with negative growth - height only
Years InfestedYearsInfestedIntegerThe number of years that a tree has been infested with insects or pathogens.Insect Infestation and Density Dependent Infestation
Density Dependent Resistance StatusDensDepResistanceStatusIntegerThe resistance status of a tree. 1 = resistant; 2 = conditionally susceptible; 3 = susceptible.Density Dependent Infestation
VigorousvigorousBooleanWhether a tree is vigorous or not (true or false).Tree Quality Vigor Classifier
SawlogsawlogBooleanWhether a tree is sawlog quality or not (true or false).Tree Quality Vigor Classifier
Tree classtreeclassIntegerTree class number, 1-6.Tree Quality Vigor Classifier